Mooring anchors for Permanent Anchors
The mushroom type anchor is the ultimate in permanent moorings. It holds better than the conventional design, even through severe weather conditions. Mushrooms are most effective in muddy bottoms. We keep the following weight sizes in inventory - 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500. Larger sizes are available per customer specifications.
In sheltered areas the recommended size of the anchor is 10 times the boat length. In exposed areas subject to building seas, we recommend 10% to 15% increase in anchor weight.
Contact your local harbormaster for the regulations in your area and let Whitman Castings, Inc. provide the anchor for you. |
click to enlarge |
Scope: Pennant & Light Chain & Heavy Chain
Light Chain: Maximum water depth
Heavy Chain: 1 ½ times maximum water depth
Anchors should be tipped as shown |
Pyramid Mooring
Pyramid type anchors are appropriate for hard bottom where a mushroom anchor will not sink in. The holding power of either anchor largely depends on the type of bottom, depth of the water and length of the anchor rode, as well as to exposure to high seas and winds. |
Ballast Balls
Ballast Balls are a weight attached to the top of a mushroom mooring. The ballast balls are made of cast iron and come in two halves which are bolted to the shaft. They come in various sizes according to the size of the anchor.
The purpose of the ballast balls is to help tip the mooring over to the best position. The mushroom type shouldn't be standing upright, it should lie on its side.
Mushrooms are most suitable in soft mud where the anchor can sink. A Ballast ball greatly increases the efficiency of the mooring. |
Galvanized Chains
Due to recently acquiring a chain company, we now sell galvanized chain in drums and per 100 ft. The following sizes are available:
3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", and 3/4"
Please consider this when placing your next order with us. |